Tips About This Website

About Translations

Sometimes I write in Russian, sometimes in English, and often I don’t have the time or energy to translate everything I write into the other language. Therefore, often the content on this website is available only in one language. I recommend either using the built-in browser translator, or installing an extension, for example TWP for Firefox, or Google Translate for Chrome. In my experience, the quality of the translation is good enough, although from time to time it is incorrect.

About Printing

I tried to make this website suitable for printing, so if you want to have a page in physical form — feel free to do so. For printing, I recommend removing the header and the footer of the page, as well as removing the margins on the sides of the page, and making the top and bottom margins set to one centimeter.


For pretty much any collection page on this website, you can append /index.xml to the URL to get an RSS feed of the page; for example, this is RSS feed of posts. RSS can be used to get notifications about the new content on the website.