
If you are looking for my formal site, you should go to veresov.pro. In contrast, everything on this website is not to be taken too seriously.

So… Welcome to my personal website! It’s-a me, Aleksey! And here is the sheet of my real-life character:

Name Age
Aleksey Veresov 25
Class Level
Programmer Master student
Birthday Birthplace
1999.07.03 Sarov, Russia
Chaotic Good
Russian, English
Height Weight
182cm too much

From time to time I post notes on random topics, here is the latest one of them:

I have passed TOEFL!

1 min read life

You can see the rest of the notes here. I also have pages dedicated to my projects.

The Company I Keep

Firstly, I keep company of my family, especially my mother and father, as well as two younger siblings, brother and sister.

Also, I often work on pet projects as well as discuss programming and life with Nikita Orlov, we are friends since spring of 2018, and have met in Moscow State University: he showed some cool low-level things (if I remember correctly, he explained how PS/2 port works), and I had no other choice but to become friends with him.

I work with Jonas Spenger and enjoy talking with him about programming and other things. We met in 2022, I reached him to ask about his being as a student of Philipp Haller, and somehow I joined Jonas’s research group led by Philipp and Paris Carbone.

I am friends with Peter Konovalov and Emilia Petrova, we were neighbors in the dormitory of Moscow State University, and we are friends since 2019. Peter is an awesome drummer and starts working as programmer, and Emilia is highly educated in arts and humanities, she works in Samokat publisher.

Nikita Roldugins is a good friend of mine, we met in 2022, when I moved to Stockholm to study at KTH. He somehow found me and initiated the contact. Initially I was a bit suspicious, but he turned out to be a great friend and a really good person. He is a programmer, mainly focusing on data science.

I am friends with Nikita and Nikolay Semenov, we first met when I moved from Moscow to Sarov to study in the last three school years there. It was 2013. We were attending a supplementary programming school Vector++ together. They are twins, both are into programming, although Nikita works as a programmer and Nikolay works as a system analyst.

Also, I keep company of Roman Vasilev, he was my first roommate in Moscow State University, and we are friends since 2016. He is a great data scientist, a nice guy and a good friend.

I am friends with Vitalii Guzeev, who is a good man and a great programmer and mathematician. We first met in 2020, he was my boss in MCCME.

I keep contact with more people, but I don’t think it is appropriate to list them here right now. Nevertheless, I am deeply grateful to all of them.

What’s in My Name?

Officially, my name is Aleksei Veresov, but I prefer to be called Aleksey. The name is pronounced as ah-lick-SAY VAIR-is-off (syllables in capitals are accentuated) in Russian; although in English I prefer ah-LEK-see. The only short name I am used to is Lyosha, pronounced as LYO-sha (although since palatalized L is hard to pronounce for children, both my brother and sister called me Yosha while they were babies ). It is the usual short form of Aleksey in Russian. Again, I don’t mind being called any other way, but since I am not used to anything else, it might confuse me.

My first name is of Greek origin, and it means “protector”. The last name comes from Northern Russian dialect, in which “veres” means both “juniper” and “heather” (or any small northern shrub, according to my grandfather), so the last name could be loosely translated as Bush.

My username is usually aversey. It is a combination of my first and last names, and also a small wordplay on the meaning of my name, as protector is the one who is averse to evil, or who is facing it (in French, “avers” means face). For example, this is me on the net: GitHub and itch.io.

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